Best Workout Apps To keep Yourself Fit

Last Updated: May 8th, 2023

Whether you believe in hitting the gym or doing a workout at home, fitness is important. Life can get hectic and if you think that squeezing time to keep yourself healthy can be difficult, not anymore. If you have a smartphone no need to worry as there are tens and thousands of apps designed to kick start your fitness. There are apps to do yoga, HIIT (High-Intensity interval training), all types of workouts, and more. If you want to slim down yourself by losing some extra kilos or improving the efficiency of your workout, go through some of the best workout apps for Android and iOS users.

Best Workout Apps For You To Get Fit

1. Aaptiv

As a person can do a better workout with the background audio streaming, this app helps in strengthening his ability for it. It motivates you to do long cardio sessions by combining different beats and playing them for you per minute.

2. Noom

According to Noom, an average user can lose around 18 pounds in less than 17 weeks. It depends on a person’s regularity and eating habits. It helps the person to have a fit and healthy life through proper plans and exercise, proper food, a coach that can identify the factor stopping him from reducing his weight, weight tracker, etc.

3. Asana Rebel

Asana Rebel is another option that can help in strengthening someone’s muscles or burning fat and inspiring them with the help of mixing HIIT with sequences of flows. It helps to maintain a balance during the hectic schedule of the day and busy life.

4. Six Pack in 30 Days

A person can now make a stronger six packs in just 30 days. All he has to do is choose the level of abs workout that he can work on his way at ease. It requires no tools or machinery and is also suitable for new users. This app shows demos of various workouts.

5. Strava

This app is useful for athletes who are dreaming of competing in future marathons or triathlons. It keeps a record of the distance of running, cycling, energy level, and speed. A person can compare his performance by time and can also compare it with his friends by sharing the statistics of his performance.

6. 7 Minute Butt Workout

As the name suggests is helpful for Butt exercise. If someone feels shy to do butt exercises in the gym, then this is the right app for you. These seven minutes long butt exercises provide methods to improve glutes such as donkey kicks and squats.

7. Studio Tone It Up

This app consists of a women’s community that instructs you about different workouts to make your body strong and perfect. It includes boxing, barre, strength training, cardio sesh, kettlebell, and yoga. It provides something new every week to eliminate the chances of getting bored with the same routine. This app also focuses on offering some daily moves which are helpful if you do not attend daily half an hour-long class.

8. Couch to 5K

As the name goes (starting from a couch and finishing at 5K), it focuses on new runners who are getting ready for their first race. It needs about half an hour of sweating daily or after a day gap for regular 9 weeks.

9. MyFitnessPal

Designed by Under Armour MyFitnessPal counts calories, motivates a person to do exercise, and is also a diet tracker. The app helps you to personalize your daily goals depending on the body type and food that person is eating. This app contains a list of about 5 million foodstuffs that a person wants t to choose from. It is not related to any particular food that counts the calories you are taking or the burning of fat.

10. Headspace

If a person does not want to exercise on a routine basis, he can choose this app. It helps you by starting by just meditating. The app starts from only a ten-day course and tells the importance of practicing it daily. Meditation helps to improve work productivity and to fight insomnia.

11. Yoga Wake Up

As the name suggests it forces you to start your yoga early morning just after getting up by playing a sweet audio one by one for 10 minutes and makes your stretches easy. If it is done regularly for some weeks, this will become a habit.

12. Seconds

Those who want to download an app that is an interval timer then they are not considered lazy. Second is a good option for them. This app provides HIIT training, circuit training, and even some other workouts like CrossFit type. This app helps you when an interval ends by spreading you out on the floor.

13. Keelo

When a person is done with the level of CrossFit workout he can move on to Keelo app which provides great power exercises such as endurance and strengthening workout plans. It helps you by giving your body a perfect shape without going to the gym. It also provides you with a real coach who listens to your questions and solves all the queries running through your mind. It acts like a personal trainer to you.

14. Qinetic

Those who do not want to get up early for exercise sessions can take help from this app as it provides classes from fitness experts. They provide classes on yoga, Zumba routine, and even on HIIT workouts with the support of one of the best workout apps.

15. Freeletics Bodyweight

If someone is trying to increase push-ups, this app helps him in strengthening muscles and makes the body fit. This app provides a fitness test to plan a weekly routine according to your body type and physical requirements. It also provides such exercises that require only 2m x 2m space and one can do them in their small apartments.

16. Sworkit

This app helps you to choose from various choices available including yoga, stretching and strength training, and many other exercises. This app is based on a timer of 5 to 60 minutes and shows demos for new beginners and helps them to know how that exercise can be done.


17. Charity Miles

Charity Miles is an excellent app as it helps you to keep yourself fit by running for a cause to raise funds. Some sponsors including Chbani, Humani, and Johnson & Johnson donate to charities. Charity includes a few cents per mile that a bike rides or runs and even on walking to NGOs like ASPCA and Habitat for Humanity.

18. The Johnson & Johnson 7 Minute Workout

For those who do not want to sweat in the early morning and do not have time for it before their working schedule, This help is best for them as it provides only 7 Minute exercise sessions with small-sized workouts that anyone can do before having their baths. This app is helpful for everyone as it ranges from very beginners to perfect ones.

19. Daily Ab Workout

Daily Ab Workout is another best workout abs apps available for free download to tone and strengthen your body. It provides free videos on the phone which pretend like a real coach standing before you and guiding you to work out properly.

Best Productivity Apps 

20. Daily Yoga

This app is suitable for those who believe in daily routine workouts and do not feel shy if they fall while posing any yoga step during their regular class. This app provides a real and personal coach and also a list of choices of yoga poses to select from them which they like the most. People can also take meditation classes through this app and can feel more focused and stress-free.

21. Nike + Training Club

If you are searching for a workout for abs, then Nike +Training Club is the right fitness app for you. It also provides many options to choose from them so that a person never gets bored. The app also provides trainers who are perfect in their areas and athletes such as Williams.

22. Fitstar Personal Trainer

If a person wants to customize their fitness plan and want to adjust it according to his schedule and body type and his capacity, then he can choose the best fitness apps. It helps to increase a person from his limits and tone up his strengths and make their routines challenging time by time.


23. Relax Melodies

Sound sleep is essential for a fit body. When you are done with all your workouts such as cardio, crunches, and planks, and need a peaceful sleep Relax Melodies is the right app. The app has calm audio like wind, rain, etc. which provides a soothing effect to your mind.

Hence, these are some of the best workout apps that you can download on your Android or iOS devices.

One Response

  1. Misty Summers May 9, 2019

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