
Siri Commands to Control Apple HomeKit Devices – Full List

HomeKit was introduced by Apple with the launch of iOS 8 in 2014. HomeKit enables iOS users to control your home, appliances and much more using Siri. Apple defines- HomeKit is a framework for communicating with and controlling connected accessories in a user’s home.

Update Facebook Status Using Siri on iPhone, iPad

Apple’s first Homekit products went on sale ahead of WWDC 2015. Apple’s first HomeKit products are:

Elgato Eve


iHome Smartplug



Apple has updated its Support Page providing a full list of supported Siri commands for Homekit devices.

Siri Commands to Control Apple HomeKit Devices – Full List

Turn on the lights” or “Turn off the lights.”

“Dim the lights” or “Set the brightness to 50%.”

“Set the temperature to 68 degrees.”

“Turn on the coffee maker.”

“Turn on the upstairs lights.”

“Turn off Chloe’s light.”

“Turn down the kitchen lights”

“Dim the lights in the dining room to 50%.”

“Make the living room lights the brightest.”

“Set the Tahoe house to 72 degrees.”

“Set the thermostat downstairs to 70.”

“Turn on the printer in the office.”

“Set up for a party, Siri.”

“Set the dinner scene.”

“Set my bedtime scene.”

iOS users will be able to control HomeKit-enabled accessories via Siri while they are away from home only if they have 3rd generation Apple TV or later. Currently, only five products which mentioned above can be used with HomeKit.

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