
Cool Snapchat Tricks 2016 Which You Should Know

Last Updated: July 27th, 2017

Snapchat is one of the most popular social apps which allows users to send photos and videos which automatically deletes itself after being viewed. Did you know that on an average 9,000 Snaps every second is shared by Snapchat users?

If you enjoy using Snapchat, here’s a list of some cool Snapchat tricks 2016 which you should know.

Cool Snapchat Tricks 2016 

1.  Add two filters to your photos at once

Once you have taken a photo on Snapchat slide your finger left or right and apply the first filter. Now, while holding one finger on your Snap, slide left or right with another finger to select your second filter. Isn’t it easy?

2. Change the display names of your contact

If you are having lots of Snapchat friends and it is getting difficult for you to remember their names, don’t worry. You can easily change the display names of your Snapchat friends without notifying them.

To change display names of your contacts in Snapchat,

Tap on My Friends and then tap on the friend’s name which you want to change. Now, Tap on the settings icon that appears next to their name on the right side. Tap on Edit Name, change the display name and tap to save.

3.  Skip through Snapchat stories 

If you don’t want to go through the stories on Snapchat, skip them. To skip a snap keep on holding the screen with  one finger while tapping on the picture to skip it.

4.  Draw with black and white

Drawing with black and white is not an old trick.

To draw in black or white just tap to touch the color palette with one finger. Now,  without lifting  your finger drag your finger to the bottom left-hand corner of the screen to color in black. To color in white, you will have to drag your finger to the top without lifting.

5. Travel Mode 

Snapchat is quite addictive, you can save your mobile data by activating Travel Mode. Travel Mode reduces mobile data by stopping automatically loading of snaps and stories. Once Travel Mode is enabled you will have to manually load snaps and stories to view them. Enable travel mode by going to the Settings of the app.

Settings >> Manage (Additional Services) >> Enable Travel Mode.

6. Delete your Snapchat Account

If you want to delete your Snapchat Account, you will have to head over to the Snapchat website and delete your Account. You cannot delete Snapchat by just uninstalling the app from your device. Remember, once you delete your Snapchat Account it cannot be undone.

7. Enable Night Camera Mode

Want to brighten up your photos in Snapchat? Enable night camera mode on Snapchat to take better snaps in poor light or at night. Snapchat night camera mode automatically gets activated in poor light, however, you can enable night mode by launching Snapchat and covering the camera lens for few seconds.

8. Add music to Snapchat videos 

Adding music to your Snapchat videos is easy. You can add music to video by recording a video on Snapchat while music is playing on your device.

9. Snapchat Score

The Snapchat score is the number of snaps sent and received by a user. Your Snapchat score will increase by one point every time you open a snap or sent a snap to others. The Snapchat score is displayed next to the username.

10. Enable login verification on Snapchat

Secure your Snapchat Account by enabling login verification. With Login Verification enabled, if you try to log into your Snapchat Account from a new device you will have to provide an automatically generated Recovery Code sent through a text message apart from login ID and password.

To enable login verification, go to Settings >> login verification >> Continue.

Comprehensive List of Snapchat Emoji Meanings And Trophies 





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