Last Updated: February 29th, 2024
Minecraft by Mojang has seen an increase in revenue during the COIVID-19 pandemic, it generated $415 million in 2020. Today I’m going to tell you how to survive 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft. If you don’t know what is hardcore Minecraft then let me give you a quick summary. Hardcore Minecraft is a Minecraft game mode that is only available in the Java edition. In Hardcore Minecraft you only have one life and after you die you can no longer respawn making Hardcore Minecraft one of the hardest game modes available in Minecraft. Check out these multiplayer games.
Hardcore Minecraft Survival Challenges

Day 1 -10
Your day one will be like any other Minecraft player starting off with collecting wood and making a pickaxe and then consequently making the slow but effective stone tools. Day 2- 3 should be spent on making a small base of operations. The remainder of the days (i.e. days 4-10) should be spent on collecting iron and getting familiar with your surroundings. Building a mine shaft near your base of operations is also advised. By the end of this period, you should have full iron armour and basic iron tools.

Day 10 -20
This period should also be spent exploring and getting your first few diamonds. By the end of this period, you should be able to get a diamond pickaxe. You will also probably find your first village by then. You should also start trading and becoming a good businessman. You should also start to mine and collect obsidian to create the nether portal.

Day 20-30
This period will be spent almost completely in the nether. The nether holds many dangers so carry a good amount of food to replenish your health you should also have lots of gold ready to trade with piglins. Your main objectives in this period will be to find the nether fortress and get a lot of blaze rods by slaying the blazes. Another useful tip is to drink a fire-resistance portion before fighting the blazes as they shoot fireballs at you which can do a ton of damage. You will also find the wither skeletons which are deadly sword-wielding skeletons. You should also find a couple of ender men and slay them for their eyes. This is pretty much all you should be able to do during this time.
Day 30-40
During this period you will be mainly preparing for the ender dragon fight. Spending your time making portions like that of strength and slow falling and also continuing your quest for diamonds, to make full diamond armour. By the end of this period, you should have full diamond armour and tools.
Day 40-50

This period will be spent in finding the stronghold and beating the ender dragon. Do remember to carry lots of food and set your respawn point next to the portal Those portions which you made earlier will be useful during this period. The main difficulties during this period will be finding the portal and destroying the end crystal. The dragon itself will be no threat as it does minimal damage with its acid breath. The main prize of doing this is getting the dragon egg.
Day 50 -60
This time will mainly be spent in the nether to collect ancient debris and make nephrite tools and armour this can take a very time as nephrite is one of the rarest ores in the game. The main strategies applied to mine are the usage of bed and TNT because ancient debrie cannot be exploded. As ancient debrie is one of the rarest ores you will probably not be able to get both netherite Armour and tools in this short period.
Day 60 -70
This time will be spent exploring your world finding buried treasures and pillager outposts and looting them. Another important thing you can do in this period if you don’t want to explore the overworld is to explore the nether and the end, bastions (present in the nether ), have better loot than pillager outposts but are also far more dangerous, end citys( present in the end ) also have decent loot but the main attraction here are the end ships which contains the elytra. This awesome suit enables you to glide and is very useful for traveling long distances. This is pretty much all you should accomplish in this period.
Day 70 – 80
This period shall be spent slaying wither skeletons for their skulls these skeletons wield heavy swords and deal a ton of damage..After getting the 3 wither skulls You should return to your base and start gathering resources for your next boss fight.

Day 80- 90
During this period you will mainly be trying to find more nephrite and complete your set of full nephrite armour and tools. This time will also be spent enchanting all your gear.

Day 90-100
The beginning of this period (i.e. from day 90-95)will be spent in making and fighting the wither. The wither can be summoned by placing the three wither skulls on top of a “T” Shape created by soul sand. It is advisable to kill the underground as it is easier to kill him there. After killing him you shall get the nether star. Now starts the latter part of this phase. In this part (i.e. days 95 – 100) you should craft the beacon and place it on either a block of gold or that of iron, emeralds, or diamonds.

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