
How to Survive 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

Last Updated: July 12th, 2021

Hardcore is one of the gaming modes available in the Java Edition of Minecraft Survival variant. In this gaming mode, you will not be able to respawn if you die. One Minecraft day is 20 minutes, 100 Minecraft days will be 33 hours, and hence 200 Minecraft days is 66 hours. Check Games like Minecraft.

Day 100-110

In the last series of a hundred days, we defeated the wither and so we will kick off this series by trading with villagers to create a full emerald beacon. This will take a lot of time but by the end of it, you will have completed the beacon by which you can set a power. These powers include:

Haste: Enables you to mine faster

Speed: Enables you to move faster

Jump Boost: Enables you to jump higher

Strength: Enables you to give more damage to mobs. Hence, killing them faster

Regeneration: Enables you to gain back your HP without even eating

And last but not the least

Resistance: Decreases the damage dealt with you by harmful mobs

These powers will help you to accomplish your mission faster quicker and less dangerously

Day 110 -120

After spending all this time doing the boring job of trading with villagers you must be very thirsty for an adventure. So let us do just that by finding and raiding a woodland mansion.

We will need to buy a woodland mansion map from a cartographer, which shouldn’t much time. The first phase of this adventure (day 110-115) will be spent finding the mansion and the second phase will be spent raiding it. The vandicators which are a type of illagers are the most dangerous force here they are pretty much as dangerous as piglin brutes. You should be able to get a ton of loot from this adventure.

Day 120-130

After all that adventure, you will probably want to start building something so I suggest you build a mob grinder. A mob grinder helps you to have a ton of XP there are many types of mob grinders but my personal favorite is the endermen mob grinder as it also helps you to get ender pearls which are often used as a fast means of transport. Another good mob grinder that you can build is the creeper mob grinder which also helps you in getting another important ingredient for firework rockets which help in propelling you forward while using an elytra.

Day 130-140

All this adventuring will probably put you low on food so even if you already have a farm it is a good idea to start rearing animals for their meat. It is also a good idea to expand your farm. So you can have a ton of food at all times. It is also advised to keep a couple of golden apples at all times.

Day 140- 150

This time will be spent adventuring in the desert just looking for desert temples. These temples have a chance of having enchanted golden apples which cannot be crafted and are super rare. These apples are also called notch apples after notch who is the creator of this game. These notch apples are very useful as they provide you with a row of extra hearts for a small period. And you never know they might save you from some near-death experiences.

Day 150-160

This time will be spent in the nether killing ghasts. Why you ask. Well, to reasomon the dragon. After getting enough ghast tears you should craft them into end crystals and get ready for another big fight. You should probably stock up on arrows and portion of instant health and strength

Day 160 -170

The first half of this time day (160-165) will be spent defeating the dragon. Using the same process of first destroying the crystals and then attacking him with beds. The second half of this time shall be spent making an iron farm. The main difficulty of this is bringing the villagers to their right positions. An Iron Farm will help you to have a constant supply of iron at all times

Day 170-180

This time shall be spent making a raid farm, a raid farm is very useful for both XP and arrows. The main difficulty in making a raided farm is bringing a villager to the farm to trigger the raid. The rest of the process is pretty easy.

Day 180-190

This time shall be spent improving your battle skills by doing raids. These raids also enable you to get discounts while trading with villagers. The raids also help you to get a ton of totems of undeying

Day 190-200

This time shall be spent finding an ocean monument by buying a map of it from a cartographer. The main dangers of it are the constant risk of drowning and getting the mining fatigue effect which prevents you from mining from the elder guardians which also deal a ton of damage. The main treasure in this monument will be the gold blocks placed in the center of it.

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