
Top 15 Websites To Learn Programming Quickly

Last Updated: November 23rd, 2017

Learning Programming is no more a difficult and boring thing! There are many online resources and websites that will help you to refine your Programming skills. The websites are interactive which offer coding written and video tutorials, lectures and practice assignments to make you a coding expert.

Today I am sharing with you top websites where you can learn to code online easily.

1. Codecademy: If you are interested in learning to code for programming, this website is the best and popular one to make you learn in an interactive way for free. You will be able to learn to code javascript, HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, Ruby and more.


2. The Code Player: The code player lets you learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and more advanced languages which include videos and view source code.


3. Code Avengers: Code Avengers is another website where you can learn Programming languages to learn how to code games, apps, and websites. You can HTML & CSS, Javascript and Web development by paying a small fee. Easily choose from 100 hours of lessons on how to code.


4. Coursera: Coursera provides all the courses for free like Codeacademy. Coursera works with top universities and organizations to provide you quality educational services. You can choose from 858 courses to learn how to code.


5. Udacity: Udacity provides a number of Programming courses to sharpen your coding skills. It has partnered with Google, Cloudera, Facebook, Salesforce, Nvidia and more, once you have completed your course you will get a certificate also.


6. Udemy:

Udemy is one of the best website for programmers to learn how to code. The site offers various online courses where you can find popular topics and courses on coding to learn.

7. Khan Academy: Khan Academy is one of the best online websites to get education free. The site lets you learn coding, computer science, calculus and more.


8. Team TreeHouse:

Treehouse has more than 1000 videos on web design, coding, business etc. Learn HTML, CSS, iPhone apps and more. The site lets you learn various coding languages, watch videos and participate in quizzes and Code Challenges to test your skills.


9. Code School: Code School is another online resource to learn Programming languages via video tutorial, coding assignments and
more. Learn Ruby, Javascript, HTML/CSS, iOS Development, GIT, Rails, jQuery and Backbone.js courses.


10. Scratch: Scratch is a free online learning community to learn coding which is being developed and maintained by MIT. Create stories, games, and animations and share them with others.


11. Ruby Monk: If you are looking forward to learning about Ruby then this is a great online resource. Lean Ruby interactively for free from the website. Learn Ruby from basics to advanced easily.


12. HTML5 Rocks:

HTMl5 Rocks is great place for developers to learn HTML5 by providing videos, tutorials and more for students. HTML5 Rocks is a project by Google logo.


13. SQLZOO: It covers interactive SQL tutorials from basics to advanced for free. Learn SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, DB2, and PostgreSQL.


14. Learn Python the Hardway: Learn Python The Hard Way is one of the best resource available online to learn Programming. You can take a free course or pay $29.95 to get a complete guide which includes video lessons.


15. Developers Google: Google Developers is an official free learning website by Google which includes courses on mobile, web development and programming languages.


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