
Why Do Android Developers Fail To Get Rich

Last Updated: August 20th, 2022

Despite the rising popularity of the Android OS across the world, developing Android apps appears to be an unprofitable venture. Based on data compiled by Furry Analytics, developers are banking on iOS for increasing their profit margins. So why has Android failed to become a cash-cow for an army of developers?

An impressive 75% of all the developers that took part in this study would prefer to create and market apps for iOS rather than Android. The sad reality is that three-fourths of all new apps being developed are destined for iPhones instead of Android devices. In fact, the number of Android apps being developed has actually gone since another study conducted back in the beginning of 2011 showed taking a 37% share of all newly released apps.

While Google is rightfully patting itself on the back for having more smartphones users in the US than Apple, developers are not generating income from their Android apps at the same pace. Having over one billion downloads a month is amazing, but somehow these downloads aren’t translating into billions of dollars on the bank accounts of Android developers. Just take a look at the numbers: developers earn an average of $1.00 through in-app purchases on iOS games and apps as opposed to a meager $0.24 per app in the Android world.

So what’s the secret here? Basically, it all boils to down to how iOS and Android go about processing app purchases. While iPhone users are forced to set up a credit card when creating their iTunes account, no Android user is required to provide their credit card information unless the explicitly attempt to purchase an app. Apple uses human psychology to its advantage by making app purchases seemless and completely automatic. Google is more democratic in this respect, and only asks for your credit card when it’s needed. But as we all know, being fair and making money are two very different things

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For the moment, the App Store has clearly won out in the fight against the Android Market [] and will continue to hold the upper hand in terms of profits from apps throughout this year’s holiday season. Maybe Google can use the time off to think of new attack strategy.

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