
Save iOS 9.3.4 SHSH Blobs Using TinyUmbrella- TinyUmbrella Updated To Support iOS 9.3.4

Last Updated: March 23rd, 2017

The developer behind TinyUmbrella Notcom has updated TinyUmbrella to save SHSH blobs of iOS 9.3.4.

With TinyUmbrella you will be able to save SHSH blobs to downgrade to an older firmware later if required. Save your iOS 9.3.4 blobs before Apple stops signing it.

Remember, you can save SHSH blobs of only those firmware which Apple is still signing in. If you are on a jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch it is better that you save SHSH blobs.

What is SHSH blob?

SHSH blob is device specific and uses the ECID (Exclusive Chip ID) of your device. SHSH blob is created by using multiple keys which include-  the device model, the iOS version being signed, and ECID.

With SHSH blob determines whether your device can be restored or not.

Apple signs only the latest firmware of the device and if you try to restore the device to the older firmware version because Apple refuses to generate a new hash for the downgrade.

Jailbreak iOS 9.3.3/iOS 9.3.2 on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch- Guide

Downgrade iOS 9.3.4 to iOS 9.3.3 On iPhone, iPad

List of iOS 9.3.3 Compatible Jailbreak Tweaks

The latest TinyUmbrella update, however, does not allow you to downgrade using APTickets.

What is an APTicket?

APTicket is a new type of  SHSH blob introduced by Apple in iOS 5. Whenever, you try to restore or upgrade your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch devices a request is sent to the Apple’s server to confirm APTicket. The APTicket does not return the one which is stored in the server but it creates a new random string. Downgrading using APTicket is difficult.

How to Save SHSH Blobs for iOS devices

Download the latest version of TinyUmbrella from the direct links below.

Connect your device to the computer.

TinyUmbrella will detect your device. click on save SHSH option.

Click on save SHSH option.

TinyUmbrella Download Links

TinyUmbrella [OSX App Only]

TinyUmbrella [OSX Installer]

TinyUmbrella [WIN x86 Installer]

TinyUmbrella [WIN x64 Installer]


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